Friday, November 25, 2011

About This Blog

I thought I will put this up for posterity, even if this blog lasts for barely a week.

RC and I started having these discussions on facebook about the economic condition of India. They were mostly centered around our differences of opinion on Congress-BJP and on the level of free market necessary in India's economy.

But FB isn't a great place to discuss stuff, people take things lightly there and many discussion meander pointlessly and end in crude jokes and sometimes potshots. So, just moving those discussions here.

I'll be frank. I hope we can continue to have these discussions, so that I can learn stuff the non-classroom way. And RC is a great guy to discuss stuff with. He doesn't get angry at my statements :D

So, hope people join in sometime and we can create a bigger set of people discussing anything they want to!

Shree Ganesh kiya jaaye!

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